Proiectul “Inclusiv - Rețea de centre suport pentru integrarea persoanelor ..."
Find out moreWritten on: 03/12/2009
Socio-medical center
The first phase of the renovation is complete.
The pictures give a clear overview of the work
Meanwhile, the operation around health prevention further.
Our coordinator Mihaela worked with nurse Simona several actions
Were distributed leaflets on diabetes in the government and school nurses. Were also Simona by the ADAM-members with a simple free diabetes test examined (photo)
A lesson in school was spent on dental care and prevention (photo)
Simona is in the school talking about the flu and how to avoid. On that occasion the children received as a bonus a hat, a scarf or gloves.
All these children will be their teacher registration as a member of ADAM-MOLDOVITA
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