Proiectul “Inclusiv - Rețea de centre suport pentru integrarea persoanelor ..."
Find out moreTogether for health !
Health care concerns us all. Simple people, in villages, municipalities, towns… expect this manifesting concern to result in health improvement. In order to promptly answer to their expectations, action towards health improvement should take a close start, right in their community.
For people’s health, CLS can mean good news: with everyone’s involvement, no need for any more waiting. We can actually do something about our health. Together.
Why a CLS ?
• U.N. “The right on health as international norm”.
• All members of society have responsibilities regarding the realization of the right to health.
• Improvement of prevention as a mean of health policy and cost refraining mechanisms.
• Accessibility to healthcare (non discriminative, physical, economical, information).
• Search to improve quality, in collaboration with private and public health sectors.
• Elimination of a social polarized society with different health care systems (one for the better off, the state system for the rest of the population).
CLS ? What is it?
Local Health Councils (CLS) are informal groups of volunteers and professionals from a village/municipality/town who take actions towards improving the health situation in their community. They first make an analysis of the local situation starting from a social point of view. This analysis gives a direction to improve local health and health care through a mix of specific actions.
CLS’s are spread throughout the country since 2008 by FDAAM and can be found already in more than 10 municipalities: Bordesti, Cerchejeni, Sanduleni, Borsa, Stremt, Viscri, Apold, Cehu Silvaniei, Caiuti, Hurezani, Bucosnita, …. Some of them took a “flying start” because of the local health needs.
How a CLS does work ?
• Bring together different partners.
• Analyze, discuss and do something on local health.
• Focus on objective health threats or problems that needs a solution.
• Try to improve people’s health.
• Make proposals for policy makers.
• Organize concrete actions (or projects).
• CLS is a place for cooperation and organization.
• Possible embryo for an ADAM (Association of Mutual Help).
• Easy and fast to start up.
• Perfect local partner for ASP.
• Supported by a national foundation FDAAM and Belgian partners.
Partners for a CLS
CLS means working with but also through:
• Local council
• Schools
• Health care providers
• Local/regional health authorities and institutions.
• Organizations: all kind of social organization (NGO’s)
• Companies
What kinds of actions a CLS can do?
The practical way to improve the local health care is a choice belonging to the local people, and they make it by considering the local needs and possibilities. In general, CLS implements a mix of actions for health improvement:
• Information and Education (smoking, breast cancer, healthy alimentation);
• Increase access to health care;
• Lobby and advocacy for improving rule, agreements and laws: regulations about existing pubs near school, reintroducing the sport classes in school curriculum….
• A healthy environment: f.e. happy in the class, school fruit; healthy food in schools, etc.
Specific projects and actions
• For improving the health situation, CLS implements a mix of actions:
Health prevention and health promotion:
• Healthy alimentation, dental hygiene, smoking, alcohol, drugs, diabetes, etc.
Health & school:
• School inspection: general, teeth, eyes, vaccinations, etc.
• Healthy school: Tutti Frutti, hygiene, sport week, ...
Improvement of the primary health care:
• Support family doctor and dentist.
• Cooperation and links with specialists and hospitals’.
• Lobby and stand up for better regulations.
Special target groups
• Organization for the care of the sick.
• Young mothers: Newborn packets, information and follow up...
• Babies: baby massage.
• Women organizations OLF: information sessions.
• Youth organizations AGLT: informative plays for GLT’s.
• People with a handicap: accessibility
• Others: elderly people, associations of patients, ...
• Social fund.
• Transport for the family doctor.
• Rental service.
Attention: this list is not limitative. Propositions from CLS partners expressed after analysis of the local situation can be discussed. The above mentioned examples are real and existing.
Province of Limburg
1. ADR-Kinrooi – Coman & Coman
Belgian commune: Kinrooi & Maaseik (Belgia)
Romanian partner: CLS Sanduleni Coman
Contact Person: Botezatu Ortensia Beatrice
Address: Str. Erou Gh. Rusu nr. 4, sc E, ap. 3, Bacau
Telephon:cabinet medical: 0234/33 50 29; mob: 0720 039 681
Belgian commune: Hasselt (Belgia)
Romanian partner: CLS Borsa
Contact Person: Kotorbacs Sergiu Gabriel
Address: Str. Libertatii 26, C.P. 435200 Maramures, Borsa.
Telephon: 0262/343 379; mob: 0755 012 515
3. Tessenderlo helpt Roemenië
Belgian commune: Tessenderlo (Belgia)
Romanian partner: CLS Cerchejeni
Contact Person: Eduard/Corina Gurau
Address: Cabinet medical Cerchejeni, Com Blandesti
Telephon:0743 686 388
4. Vrouwenwerking Genk
Belgian commune: Genk (Belgia)
Romanian partner: CLS Hurezani
Contact Person: Balutoiu Nicusor
Address: Str. Plopu nr 35, Com Hurezani, Gorj, cod postal: 217263
Telephon: 0726 356 078
E-mail: INTEGRARE_2001@
Province of Vlaams Brabant
1. ADR-Dilbeek
Belgian commune: Dilbeek (Belgia)
Romanian partner: CLS Cehu Silvaniei
Contact Person: Cordea Maria (High-school principal, Cehu-Silvaniei)
Address: Cehu Silvaniei, Str. 1 Decembrie 1918, Nr. 7, jud. Salaj
Telephon: 0743025436, 0260650703
Fax: -
2. ADR-Tremelo-Baal & Meerhout
Belgian commune: Tremelo & Meerhout (Belgia)
Romanian partner: CLS Caiuti
Contact Person: Neagu Cornel (Public Order Agent, Local Authority Caiuti)
Address: sat Heltiu, com. Caiuti, str. Principala, nr. 212, jud. Bacau
Telephon: 0234-338554/ 0742523155
E-mail: -
3. Comité Roemenië Zaventem
Belgian commune: Zaventem (Belgia)
Romanian partner: CLS Stremt
Contact Person: Onita Ioana (Project Assistant, Townhall Stremt)
Telephon: 0740393341
4. Affligem Roemeniëcomité Noroc
Belgian commune: Affligem (Belgia)
Romanian partner: CLS Valea Chioarului
Contact Person: Burde Ioan (Social assistant)
Address: Valea Chioarului, str. Principala, jud. Maramures
Telephon: 0752159895
5. Roemeniëcomité Diest
Belgian commune: Diest (Belgia)
Romanian partner: CLS Apold
Contact Person: Mariana Nitu (Familiy Doctor)
Address: Apold, str. Principala nr…, jud. Brasov
Telephon: 0721151504, 0762694378
6. Actiecomité Glabbeek
Belgian commune: Glabbeek (Belgia)
Romanian partner: CLS Bunesti - Viscri
Contact Person: Annette Schorb (Volunteer member Association Viscri Incepe)
Address: Viscri, com. Bunesti, jud. Brasov, Str. Principala 162, 507039
Telephon: 0788086918
How can you be involved?
Join the national network on CLS’s and benefit of the training sessions organized by FDAAM.
Communicate with FDAAM to find out how you can start up a CLS or be involved in it.
Developing a CLS can be different from one place to an-other, it takes time and it’s done according to local possi-bilities an needs, with local people.
Contact our professional workers:
Cristina Chert responsible CLS-ADAM training, FDAAM, 0040 727 850 961 |
Ramona Sinca CLS trainer, FDAAM, 0040 746 502 251 |
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