Proiectul “Inclusiv - Rețea de centre suport pentru integrarea persoanelor ..."
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Who are we?
Foundation for the Development of Associations of Mutual Help - F.D.A.A.M. – offers support for the improvement of health, in the benefit of all Romanian citizens, no matter the address, health condition or financial conditions.
The Foundation supports the start of health initiatives CLS’ses, ADAM’ses, etc. in different locations in Romania. They will participate in the creating of communitarian strategies of health condition improvement of Romanian citizens together with other factors involved in this field and will negotiate medical services (quality medical care at an acceptable price) with providers of such services.
F.D.A.A.M. - History
Since the first adoption wave of Romanian villages 1989-1990, it was clear that health care was a problem in Ro-mania. Therefore many Belgian committees tried to change the health situation in their partner village, so did the VZW Geels Roemeniëkomitee.
After the reformation in the nineties most providers left rural areas, resulting in a polarized health care system: one for those who can pay and the state system for the rest . Due to this, a pilot ADAM project was set up and implemented in Slatina-Timis with professional partners, the Christian Mutualities and Somepro. A good alterna-tive for Romanian local health care.
Together with Romanian confidants (volunteers) these 3 Belgian partners created the national foundation FDAAM in order to start local ADAM’ses and being the key point for future initiatives in the field of medical (health) and social activities. In the mean while, FDAAM is developing CLS, ADAM and health shops allover Romania. It has a staff of qualified and dedicated people
F.D.A.A.M. – a couple of marks
Starting with 1992 the Christian Mutuality in Belgium started the promotion of the mutual solidarity principle through the start of mutuality in other countries from Eastern Europe, Africa and South America.
Thus, in August 1999, as part of a project financed by the Flemish Government, and with a partnership between Vzw Geel Roemenikomitee and LCM and with 3 Belgian founding members and 2 Romanian ones, appeared the Foundation for the Development of Mutual Help Associations.
The main reason for the birth of FDAAM was, and still is, the idea of offering support to Mutual Help Associations.
The first Associations started in Romania, as a pilot project, was ADAM Slatina Timis in 1999. After 3 years, in 2002, ADAM Cluj and ADAM Bucharest were started and not before 2007 ADAM Moldovita was started.
At the beginning of 2004, 12 work points of ADAM Cluj were opened, spread all over the country (Berbesti, Bistrita, Buzau, Constanta, Focsani, Iasi, Oradea, Resita, Rimnicu Valcea, Tirgoviste, Timisoara, Zalau). Now only 4 of these work points are still active (Berbesti, Focsani, Iasi si Resita).
Thus, now, there are active 2 more associations following the urban implementation model of mutual associations (Iasi and Bucuresti) and 2 associations following the rural implementation model (Slatina Timis si Moldovita).
Every year FDAAM organized and still organizes training programs for local coordinators of ADAMs. Within these training programs are analyzed the developed activities, problems are debated and future strategies are established.
Since 2008 the Foundation together with the Belgian partners twice a year organizes informing courses and training for coordinators of Local Health Councils.
Since 2002 and until now FDAAM developed around 10 projects with partners such as other NGOs, Belgian and Romanian Institutions, such as: Christian Mutuality, Hospitals, Ministries, County Councils, Local Authorities, Public health Directions, General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations, Insurance Institutions, Louven University, Antwerp Police, Government of Vlams Brabant Province... etc.
The themes and objectives of the projects were varied, but the main theme was health problems and improvement of the health system. Within these projects took place experience trades between experts and doctors from Belgium and Romania. All projects unfolded with the financial support of the Flemish Government.
The last project is still in development and has as theme “Pilot project for the organizing of elderly care in an interdisciplinary approach in the region of Iasi”. FDAAM partners in this project are the Christian Mutuality from Bruges (CM-Bruges), Iasi County Council, General Social Assistance and Child Protection Unit – Iasi.
Internationally – in 2006 – FDAAM together with the Christian Mutuality from Brussels put the basis of the ADAM Chiscareni in the Republic of Moldavia.
All these might not have been possible without the help of Belgian partners such as: Belgian Christian Mutualities, VZW Geels Roemeniëkomitee, Somepro, ADR-committees and others.
FDAAM board:
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